What Exactly IS Intelligence? (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by BBella @, Thursday, May 13, 2010, 18:51 (5120 days ago) @ xeno6696

In answer to the thread title: 'What Exactly IS Intelligence?' - To my mind, intelligence is goal oriented problem solving energy. This sentient energy moves/works as dual aspects within One fabric of the all that IS. An old Sufi saying expresses well the "movement" of this sentient energy within all that IS. "God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plants, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man." All parts of the ONE fabric work autonomously. It's all a catch 22: Light and dark - particles and waves - man and woman- male and female - etc. One aspect cannot be (is not) without the other. The expressed duality of what IS. Intelligence is the dance. All independently dancing together toward one goal - to be. -> In the spirit of BBella's "Ultimate Truth" thread:
> I've heard her and a few other people such as dhw explain something about an intelligence "wholly different" than ours. 
> Lets talk about an intelligence wholly different than ours. What could it be like?-In answer to the question above: To my mind, ALL intelligence IS goal oriented problem solving energy. If there are other intelligent 'beings' on other planets, they could be an older, wiser, more advanced civilization - or younger and less advanced, although age does not always beget wisdom and intelligence does not always mean smart. But practice does make perfect and experience is the best teacher. And sometimes, like with our own civilization, we just have to keeping starting over from scratch in hopes of getting it right. But what is right? -Sorry for rambling...wondering now if I even 'understood' your question?-bb

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