What Exactly IS Intelligence? (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by romansh ⌂ @, Wednesday, September 01, 2010, 03:15 (5010 days ago) @ BBella

As regards to free will, it seems to me, yes and no. We, humans/animals/robots, etc., have free will to choose within the choices given (gene/environment tendencies considered). Whether we choose a, b or z, could be considered free will, although we do not have free to choose what is not an available choice.-For me this is not free will. I am willing to concede that we make decisions all the time, albeit constrained by our environment. But then again so does my Excel spreadsheet. Free will is not about making choices per se. -The question I have to ask is which bit of me is independent of my environment, which bit of me can somehow circumnavigate the law of mass action without falling into some probablistic hole which is no better? -I'm also happy to concede that I feel like I have free will and that my ego appears to behave in such a manner.

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