The Illusion of Time (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by romansh ⌂ @, Saturday, September 11, 2010, 21:38 (4999 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

If time exists, point me to the past or future. Point me to anywhen except right now. You can't. And neither can the worlds top minds. Past, present, and future can only exist now, in the form of memory, prediction, and current state. -I think we have moved on beyond Zeno's paradoxes with the invention of calculus and with the concept of zero.-We can no more point to where a magician pulls a rabbit out of the hat than to five minutes ago and tomorrow. That is without going behind the curtain - to mix a metaphor.-Now I take your point we only have the "now" whatever that is, and our perception of that is likely illusory. Some authorities of myths point out that "eternity" actually refers to "now". But then experiments by Benjamin Libet and similar show that the "now" is not quite what it seems. -While I agree with you philosophically speaking, the pragmatic me still saves towards my pension. Assuming there is a future now.

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