The Illusion of Time (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 00:26 (4996 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Tell you what, I can do one better. I can give you a practical example of how we are each correct. Study the way an old movie film works. Then, imagine having the same movie(i.e. locations, actors,scenes,etc) recorded from a million different camera angles, maybe even a few cameras that are recording something completely unrelated. Then ask yourself a couple of questions.

  • Are all of these movies real?
  • Do the events in them exist anymore?
  • Are the films one continues stream, or a million instances strung together by the something we can not see within the framework of the movie?
  • Do each of the different camera angles reflect reality?
  • How can each of the different perspectives be real if they are all different?
  • etc etc etc

> I am not implying that one 'now' to the next is not strung together, simply that I do not think that the framework for this mechanism is human's conception of 'Time'.-I don't see how the question of "framework" plays in. We are humans. We only have a "human" conception of time. We have no knowledge of any other; and moreso, our conception of time is false. Remember the last great experience you had? Maybe it was a roller coaster, or the thrill of a kiss. But that event is only in your mind, and as much as you will it to be, that moment cannot be revisted in actuality; the past is the past, and is gone. The future is forever uncertain; but at all times, we have "now." I will repeat and answer your questions here:-> [*]Are all of these movies real?
> [*]Do the events in them exist anymore?
> [*]Are the films one continues stream, or a million instances strung together by the something we can not see within the framework of the movie?-They are a million instances strung together by the editor and director, and our brains interpret them as a continuous stream. -> [*]Do each of the different camera angles reflect reality?
They are a recording of different angles of the same reality. 
> [*]How can each of the different perspectives be real if they are all different?
I don't see why this question is here; each camera captured a different angle of the same events.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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