Free Will (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Monday, September 13, 2010, 12:59 (4998 days ago) @ dhw

I'm sorry, but I will exclude robots. (ducks the flying tools...) Robots, no matter how complex are ultimately not capable of making an abstract choice. Present a robot with two choices that he has never seen, and has no direct reference to, and you will get a "does not compute" error. The problem is that a)they are limited to what data they have, a human is not. b) They are unable to make decisions from abstract information that may or may not be related. c) They are limited to the creativity of the programmer(s). d)They are unable to assign value based on anything other than statistical analysis(i.e. they lack emotion and intuition) and that is as important in the decision making process as data, and perhaps more so.

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