Free Will Continued (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by romansh ⌂ @, Thursday, February 10, 2011, 04:22 (4848 days ago) @ BBella

Not to contaminate the other thread too much
> Are you arguing within the confines of mathematical chaos theory? 
I'm not sure what you means with in the "confines" 
> If you are arguing "chaotic" as in "human beings exhibit disorder," then humans have free will. The opposite of "free will" is determinism, and in this view human beings are nothing but predictable finite automata. -While this is possibly a common view of determinism, any determinist who has thought about the subject for more than five minutes we understand that the universe is not determinable but in any trivial sense. Would not chaos thery alone preclude determinability? -I do not see the logic in your statement above at all. Determinism is an argument against free will. -> Human behavior has shown itself to be unpredictable in all but the most grandly generic scales. The only way to argue that humans are determinable is to ultimately resort to Chaos Theory which is blocked above. -> Either way--at this juncture you have nothing to argue. But I'll go further...
> In terms of other kinds of evidence, as I said before the entire body of Zen Buddhism (and much of Hinduism) is rooted in the deliberate practice of free will. If you learn how to focus, you can tell the difference between your mind and your consciousness. The mind is a chatterbox. The consciousness is serene.
> In the OCD case & neurosurgery case I discussed, people were aware that they were being controlled. These two bits of evidence are two more slams against the notion that human behavior is deterministic.
> And last but not least... the entire field of psychology. The only attempt to bring "order" from "disorder" in the human world. It too fails to explain human behavior. (Economics does a much better job of that.)-Xeno - I find your arguments here absolutely illogical. This surprises me greatly, as I agree with much what you have written before on differnt subjects.-We have to look outside of our perceptions of our mind to determine whether we have free will. Otherwise we may as well let evangelical Christians cite the Bible for Noah's ark and the Flood.

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