The Far East (Religion)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 16:41 (4998 days ago) @ David Turell

Errr... I wasn't really talking about the Noahchial Flood, specifically, but ok. By the way, you should cross-reference your assumption with Indian History. Might be a bit surprised. However, I am not really contending that point. Specifically, I am asking if anyone knows of a direct reference to the Far East in the Bible. I seen one that tries to claim that the land of Sinin was early china which was comprised of the Q'in dynasty, and that since Hebrew had characters for neither the ch or q sounds, it was translated as Sin, and Sinin, was literally the land of Sin(Q'in). Another account has that referenced to a province in Egypt. So, in particular, I am only curious about references to China for the purposes of this post DT. Not saying your wrong, just trying to stay OT here.

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