The Far East (Religion)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, September 18, 2010, 18:53 (4994 days ago) @ xeno6696

It is not that I can't accept the easy answer. I actually would much prefer that the easy answer be correct. However, I am the type of person that will argue both sides of an debate, until all possibilities one way or the other have been extinguished. Otherwise, we end up putting science in religions shoes and saying, "It's that way because it is," or more to the point, "It's that way because we want it to be." Part of my premise in research is to be Neutral over all. I will take the scientific approach from the perspective of both a scientist and a creationist, then do the same to religion. At the moment, I am on the swing of the pendulum that has me analyzing religion as a scientist. I have been going verse by verse through the Bible to finding what does and does not fit scientifically. But in order for me to be objective about it, I have to exhaust the possibilities. That is why I can not accept the easy answer.

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