If God exists, why did he create life? (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by dhw, Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 23:07 (4904 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

TONY: The contradiction I see between your statement and evidence is 'purpose'. Whether you want to call it instinct, behavioral Darwinism, genetic memory, or anything else, there is little denying that each and every organism has a distinct purpose. Virus's help manipulate DNA. Algae provide a food source, remove toxic gases other noxious things from the environment, even carbon monoxide. Even every element serves a purpose such as a necessary medium for some elemental force, as Iron, or as a vital component of nutrition such as zinc. What possible entertainment could a UI get from the bodies absorption of Zinc? All of these little details scream 'purpose'. And, as you are trying to use your observations to try and understand the personality of a possible UI, I would think 'purpose' would be pretty high on your list.-When I ask why God created life, purpose is the whole point of my question. Viruses and bacteria, food sources, removal of toxic gases, the body's absorption of zinc etc. are all essential to life, but they do not explain the purpose of life itself. They are ... as I have already acknowledged several times ... means whereby life is sustained. Not many people would argue that God created life in order to provide viruses, algae and zinc with a purpose! You have even given dinosaurs (and my friend the dodo) a similar purpose: "to turn this lump of rock into something inhabitable by humanity". Believe that if you will ... at least it's a simple enough goal for both of us to understand. However, you say: "I view all creation as a purposeful movement towards a goal that I do not yet understand." It is the goal which you do not understand that is the subject of my question: "why did God create life?" How about: for his own entertainment? Sorry, but you still haven't even dented the theory.

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