If God exists, why did he create life? (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Friday, January 07, 2011, 18:27 (4881 days ago) @ David Turell

life is an experiment devised for God's entertainment, and the random distribution of pain and pleasure offers no evidence to indicate that he has any personal interest in us as individuals. If so, he has no relevance to our lives. This should not be seen as an attempt to pass judgement (I'm not that presumptuous!), but only as an attempt to make sense of the world as we know it.
> In Judaism at the Passover Sedar there is a prayer often sung called "Dayanu",meaning: it is enough. Whatever God has done for us is enough. HE has given us life. We are here to battle with it and enjoy it. I'm not ready to leave life. I have enjoyed most of it. I have been privileged to be alive. It is enough, Dayanu! And that is Judaisms' answer to your question.-I find that sentiment to be quite beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. It does not answer the why, but it is something resonates with me deeply. There is something else that falls into the category of this conversation DHW, that I don't think I have spoken about(I could be mistaken). Without pain, without heartache, death, sickness, and other negatives, would you have any reference at all to appreciate all the good in your life? Generally, when we see someone who has never experienced pain, they are spoiled brats, insulated from the world and from reality, ungrateful for all they have, not compassionate for others, and have no natural affection for anything because they have no reference to appreciate it. Pain to me is as absolutely necessary as the disasters that I have discussed. Yin & Yang, Good & Evil, Right & Wrong, Light & Darkness, Life & Death, Pain & Pleasure, Love & Hate, Have & Have Not, Matter & Anti-matter, Positive & Negative, Rational & Emotional. Without one, you can not truly appreciate the other. In everything there is a balancing act that must be maintained, that is absolutely necessary, and that is the true meaning behind my pseudonym. It is a rule that permeates the universe, it is a fundamental concept in mathematics, science, and nature. All people intuitively grasp the concept, though not many ever consciously and completely accept it, much less understand it. -The people living six months in darkness find the light of the first sunrise on their face a experience that borders on spiritual, while the man trudging through the murderous heat of the Sahara finds nightfall and darkness a tremendous blessing. In these cases, both the light and the darkness are a source of life. Too much light will ultimately kill you as just as certainly as too much darkness.-Perhaps the UI created this realm of experience so that we could more fully appreciate the gift of simple existence. Personally, after a few million years of watching the cycle of life go round and round, I think it will most likely have lost all its entertainment value, like watching one too many movies. The sequence of events and characters may change, but the plot never really does, which makes the movie boring. What fun is it if you know that the hero is always going to die eventually?

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