Free will again (Humans)

by BBella @, Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 19:10 (4463 days ago) @ dhw

"the ability to act or to make choices independently of the environment or of the universe". It defines free will out of even the possibility of existence, since NOTHING we know of is independent of the universe (see below).-> As for free will, first of all we have to agree on what we mean by it! -I AGREE to your definition! It fits the way I see free will [example]--> A baby in a baby crib with a multitude of toys and a bottle. The baby only has the choices of what to do given his constraints: age, ability, hunger, tiredness, etc.-> ...We don't know the extent to which our material cells and chemical processes ... or our upbringing, illnesses, education etc. ... determine our decisions. And we don't know whether brain cells give orders to other brain cells to make choices, because we don't know the source of consciousness. And so, since we don't know a damn thing, I take up my usual position on the picket fence!-"My" perception of frustration in your voice here made me giggle. lol! -bb

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