Free will again (Humans)

by BBella @, Monday, March 12, 2012, 06:20 (4451 days ago) @ dhw

continued...->The third point is your belief that [etc]........Focusing, in the examples I have given, entails deliberately shutting out the layer of consciousness that makes us aware of ourselves perceiving, so that we get on with the job of perceiving (or acting, or playing, or dealing with people). That requires control ... yet another layer, which involves the will, free or not. -I agree, for the most part, on the whole text I deleted between sentences above.->You wrote: "My focus was out of control and what was going on in my mindfield controlled me." Of course I don't know what exactly was in your "mindfield", but if it interfered with your focus, I suspect that it's what I call excessive self-awareness.-Maybe that is what it's called. I just called it being addicted to thinking. What was going on inside my mind was more real and had more influence on me and the decisions I made than anything else outside me. Objectivity was lost almost completely. Of course, for some, that could be a good thing. For me, it was destructive on many levels.-Hope it's not more confusing! Didn't have time to edit to make it one post.-bb

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