The Paranormal (Where is it now?)

by BBella @, Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 05:15 (5605 days ago) @ David Turell

Dr, Bernard Haisch worked for the C.I.A. for 24 years studying psychic activity. His findings are partially declassified with the conclusion that psychic brain function 'has been well established'. His book "The God Theory" proposes that there is a universal consciousness, which is God. - I have not read the Dr.s book above but I have read about his conclusions in some of my own research.
>Dr. Puthoff Director of the Institute For Advanced Studies in Austin , Texas studies quantum vacuum energy and predicts we will find that the universe is an 'energetic/information cosmologic unity', and that physical and metaphysical have no boundary between them. - By my own observance I have concluded that the seen and the unseen are both equally as 'real' it's just man only developes his ability to discern the unseen/seen as needed. Because of the way society has deveoped, with all the superstitions and religious beliefs, and because mans needs have been met more readily, man no longer has need for many of these abilities. Man of the past may have had even better abilities than we have now because of the need for these abilities for survival. 
> Studies in species consciousness are quite impressive. In the 1920's McDougall of Harvard reported training rats in a water maze. By the 20th generation they did the maze ten times faster. This was not genetic adaptation; when he tried unrelated rats, they learned the maze well before the time the 20th generation took. Rupert Sheldrake of the U. of London has reviewed Blue Tits (birds) and monkey studies, and is convinced there is species consciousness; he then studied humans with crossword puzzles and Japanese nursery rhymes. After the first group does the puzzle (timed) or learns the rhyme, the second group does it quicker! - Over the years I have kept up with Sheldrakes studies/experiments and on what he calls the morphogenic field. Having had/have many animals I've observed for myself their ability to sense things before they happen and so on... I believe we all have these senses altho, for the most part, they remain undeveloped mainly because we have no need of them. - >At Princeton two different studies using random pulse generators have shown that individuals can affect the generators, and generators scattered over the Earth can be changed during momentous events like 9/11. The Maimonides Dream Research Lab in the 1960's demonstrated that dreams can carry urgent real messages, and also can be influenced by people near the sleeper who as a group concentrated on a picture. - It seems to me when we are in the dream state we may be more open to the many sound waves traversing the universe than when we are awake, because of our own thought/mental process interference. What is curious is what draws certain waves to ones particular base (mind). I believe it is possibly determined by both each persons ability to comprehend what flows thru as well as the natural tendency of like drawing like. A person will interpret what he receives by his own knowledge. For example: I mnay have not known certain people were going to die but I did personally know the people as well as understood that people do die. Because of the possibility of the bending of space, futures waves can flow from the future to now, the past. So, because I knew these people who were to die, and am a vivid dreamer and remember my dreams, I was the more likely candidate to receive the waves that were put out by their deaths. Yet, the most curious thing is how I was asked if I wanted to continue this and answered no. But, maybe, my ability was waning anyway and this was the way my dreaming mind interpreted this, knowing it was to come to pass by the future waves flowing back to me with this knowledge.

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