The Paranormal (Where is it now?)

by BBella @, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 18:19 (5592 days ago) @ John Clinch

This is how a genuinely "open-minded" scientist approached the question of the paranormal. I give you the brilliant Prof. Susan Blackmore:
>What remains now is a kind of openness to evidence. However firmly I believe in some theory (on consciousness, memes or whatever); however closely I might be identified with some position or claim, I know that the world won't fall apart if I have to change my mind. - It's a normal human trait to decided if we have searched long and hard (even some have given their life) to prove something (believed) is true and found no evidence to prove it, to conclude just the opposite. - I have not read Dr. Susan's book, but just from this post and Davids, it appears as tho she has become close minded as well as a skeptic even tho in the above statements she claims differently (obviously skeptics make money too). And, altho the definition to the word skeptic, is one that is thoughtful and considerate of what they observe, it seems her experience has caused her to become close minded which of course is the opposite of open minded. - If Dr. Susan truly remains open minded then her experiences, whatever they may be, will simply be more data gathered, and no 'conclusion' made. I would hope she would have learned from her past mistake that coming to a conclusion before all facts are in, then living her life to prove it, may be a waste of a good mind (altho lucrative). Sometimes, something IS real just because it IS. Why or how something IS real may be beyond human comprehension or maybe we just aren't 'there' yet. - As for my conclusions about my own or others I know experiences; I do believe most can be explained in someway by someone, yet, there are those not so easily explained or yet commonly understood how they are so.

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