Love me or else (Where is it now?)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 17:29 (4155 days ago) @ hyjyljyj

Oi.. the hodgepodge of misunderstanding in all of this blows my mind. -Abraham was not tortured, he was tested. Why? Because, should you bother to actually READ the account instead of the cliff notes, YHWH was preparing to bestow a major gift on him and his lineage, and needed to ensure that they were worthy to do whatever was necessary to protect that gift. (i.e. making that bloodline into the nation of Isreal, from which not only would the line of Davidic kings come, not only would they become his chosen people, but they would also produce the heir apparent to his heavenly thrown, Jesus(Yeshua). If you were going to give someone a really major gift(and also a heavy responsibility), would you not test them to make sure they were willing, capable, and deserving of it?-As for Job, YHWH didn't test Job. I am not going to bother clearing up your ignorance on this, but go back and read the account for yourself. -On the whole, what most fail to see is the true nature of the events recorded in the bible. They fail to notice that YHW did not create the shit that mankind waded into, man did that for themselves. The whole account of the deception by the serpent is the backdrop for it. His right to rule, his universal sovereignty was questioned. Now, he could have prevented a whole lot of misery by destroying the uppity angel that possessed the serpent along with Adam and Eve, but it would only make things worse because it would have lent credence to the argument that he did not have the right to rule. Instead, he had to allow things to play out for a time, so that when it was all said and done, when he stamps out the corruption that runs rampant through humanity, there can be no question at all over whether or not his way is better. -It breaks down like this:-YHWH created everything(either directly or vicariously as a manager)-An uppity angel got jealous and challenged his right to rule, bringing mankind into it as well.(Worth pointing out that the issue is that they KNOWINGLY disobeyed)-YHWH was in a catch 22, if he scratched the sinners and started over, his right to rule would be challenged again eventually, if he didn't, there would be suffering because of stupid people making stupid choices and doing stupid things. So, he let's the uppity angel and the ignorant humans do it their way for a bit and watches them screwing it all up. -Along the way, he gave them some advice on how to 'make the best of a bad situation', which they routinely ignore and then whine about how mean and evil he is for letting them reap the rewards from humanity's own choices. he even gave them a couple of ways to erase the burden of their sins, not a get out of jail free card, but a means of atonement for violating his laws. (First with animal sacrifices and later through Yeshua). As for why he allowed his firstborn to die, it was because he was the only thing in creation whose value was high enough to cover the blood price of all creation. (because he was the principle instrument in creating everything else, and also because he was the only other creature aside from YHWH who had 'life in him' as opposed to just having it out on loan. Note that human's ate from the tree of knowledge, not the tree of life)-At some point in the future(according to the prophets), he will give the boot to the current system, put the uppity angel and his posse on time out for a bit, and take a thousand years to set things straight and show folks why his way is better. -At the end of that time, he let's the people choose, and those that don't want to live in his kingdom, he removes the gift of life that he gave them freely in the first place, letting them suffer the consequences of their actions. After that, he rules his kingdom his way having shown that his way is superior.-
If you don't believe, good on you, you will find out eventually whether you were right or wrong, as will I, and we will all have to pay for the choices that we made/make. However, if you are going to criticize something, do have the decency to at least get the facts straight please, and try to think it through first instead of just tossing out the same old tired knee jerk reactions of "it's all his fault that we are so fucked up" and "God is such a cranky asshole because he punishes people that break his laws".-Ironically, in Genesis, when YHWH confronted Adam about his disobedience, Adam blamed it on his wife. When he confronted Eve, she blamed it on the snake. When will humanity grow a pair and take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences of them without blaming it on someone else?

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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