Love me or else (Part Two) (Where is it now?)

by BBella @, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 19:51 (4153 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

[dhw] "People try to spin the bible to fit their own beliefs." Have you considered the possibility that you may be one of them?
> Yes, I have considered it, which is one reason why I am very, very cautious and meticulous in my research. It is the very reason that I go through numerous translations cross referencing them, even to the point of attempting to learn basic Ancient-Hebrew myself.-Just to give my 1/2cent on these scriptures/words in question: I agreed with dhw and considered this same thought, so was tired of going from religion to religion finding out they all believed differently and was afraid I was only seeing into the scriptures what I wanted to see. So I swore off all religions and beliefs and did my own extensive 5 year study into the original (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc) versions and found the exact same understanding as Tony has given about these words and meanings. I've evolved my own thoughts since then...but just wanted to say that Tony is correct about the original meanings of these words and scriptures in question. Many of the "beliefs" about what the scriptures teach came from the early church's attempt to control their parishioners through fear and then placing their own spin (mark) on the original scriptures by translating them into a language their parishioners could read that agreed with the church's own doctrines. Many churches no longer even teach the hell fire and damnation doctrine because of coming to understand these mistranslations.

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