Trilobite eyes (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 03:36 (4069 days ago) @ David Turell

David: I sincerely appreciate your growth in recognizing Dawinism for what it is, an early attempt to conceptualize evolution, brilliant for the time, but fading as science expands our knowledge. Much as the ID folks don't like it, I think common descent must be accepted. -Not until I see an example of once species evolving into another. It wouldn't even have to be major! Show me a species innovating a single "new" organ that it didn't have before in some capacity. (Just so it is a clear cut case of new information, not merely adapting old information). -
>David: DNA was there at the beginning, but it appears that the many layered genomic controls must have been there also, which means, to me, that common descent was a controlled event from the beginning, with open-ended experimentation to create the huge forest-like bush we see. Life is extremely inventive in solving problems. It was always meant to be that way. -If you were talking about the wide variety of breeds within a given family of a species, I would be in complete agreement with you. I think we often overlook just how much variety there is inside of a single species. Take dogs for example. There are hundreds of breeds, but they are all still dogs.->David: The intelligence of the genome is information built into the genome, and that information must be initially supplied by an intelligent mind. It is the source of that intelligent mind that we debate. We are discussing complex information which involve deep layers of inerlocking commands, feedback controls that make organic molecules act like they have minds of their own. They don't, but they must respond to physical-chemical-elctrical forces that exist to exert that control in very tight limits. It would take several courses in biochemistry to understand to a reasonable degree the depth of this complexity. -It is a truly beautiful and wonderful thing. I wish more people understood enough about it to appreciate just how "Fearfully and wonderfully made" we are. -Psalms 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.-
> DNA is a better digital code than anything we have invented with our so-called brilliant human minds. We are competing against a mind that is infinitely better.-I am not in competition with that mind. I am in awe of it, humbled by it, and profoundly grateful for it.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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