Trilobite eyes (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 04:34 (4069 days ago) @ David Turell

David: Much as the ID folks don't like it, I think common descent must be accepted. 
> > 
> > Tony: Not until I see an example of once species evolving into another. It wouldn't even have to be major! Show me a species innovating a single "new" organ that it didn't have before in some capacity. (Just so it is a clear cut case of new information, not merely adapting old information). 
>David: It is difficult to avoid the knowledge that the layers from old to new contain advancing forms of life, based on the orginal DNA with comparative anatomy rampant. there is a plan and everything follows it. Five digits everywhere. Legs with one bone above and two bones below. -
Advancing forms of life is not, in general, what I have an issue with. It is actually what can be expected from a close reading of the Biblical account. As is a catastrophic die off followed by new breeds. However, there is a vast difference between saying that "dogs have changed and developed into different dogs throughout the eons" versus "dogs have changed and developed into different cats throughout the eons." The commonalities between designs is just as likely to mean a common designer as it is common descent, as are similarities in the DNA considering that all creatures have to live in the same/similar environments, share similar physiology, and work within the same physics/chemical framework.-> > 
> > -> 
> Humans made all those dog varieties. And dogs can still cross breed with wolves, their ancestors. Intensive line breeding broke out those varileties. 
> > -Have you ever bred a two dogs and came out with a cat, or anything other than a breed of dog?-
> > 
> > Tony; It is a truly beautiful and wonderful thing. I wish more people understood enough about it to appreciate just how "Fearfully and wonderfully made" we are.
> David: And our mind is just a remnant, a smidgen of the original. 
> > -I couldn't agree more.-> > Tony: Psalms 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
> We can only know God through His works. There is no direct evidence, because He wants it that way.
> >-I think it is more than a simple case of 'he want's it that way'. I see that there is a reason behind it that is very valid and grounded in sound logic. Not going to derail this thread for that though.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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