Chance v. Design (Evolution)

by BBella @, Friday, May 08, 2009, 21:03 (5614 days ago) @ dhw

A neat introduction to the agnostic's dilemma! You are right: living things exist, and so it is self-evident that something happened. Here are two theories. 1) A pre-existing intelligence assembled bits of inanimate matter in such a way that they were able to replicate with a potentiality for change. There is no scientific evidence for this theory. 2) By sheer luck bits of inanimate matter assembled themselves in such a way that they were able to replicate with a potentiality for change. There is no scientific evidence for this theory.
> - Here is a third theory in which there is evidence: - Matter, animate or inanimate, dark or light, is intelligence itself. No-thing resides outside of intelligence. There is no god out there putting matter together to create anything, or directing it. It (all that is), is itself intelligence/intelligent. How intelligent? That's what we are trying to figure intelligent is intelligence? When we figure it out...we will let you know.

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