Chance v. Design (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Monday, May 11, 2009, 22:21 (5500 days ago) @ BBella

Here is a third theory in which there is evidence: 
> Matter, animate or inanimate, dark or light, is intelligence itself. No-thing resides outside of intelligence. There is no god out there putting matter together to create anything, or directing it. It (all that is), is itself intelligence/intelligent. How intelligent? That's what we are trying to figure intelligent is intelligence? When we figure it out...we will let you know. - No question there is a third way of looking at matter, but I would state it differently. Inanimate matter, such as a rock contains geologic information, as to how and when it was formed and from what material, ie., limestone, sandstone, granite, lava, etc. I prefer to use the word information, in this case static, rather than intelligence, although we are basically saying the same thing. In living matter there is information in the form of codes that guide living matter. The only way codes can originate is from intelligence or better yet from intellect, intelligence that thinks. Information itself is not thought and never will be. Thought comes from consciousness in conscious beings, and it is that which we have not 'figured out'.

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