Does evolution have a purpose? (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Friday, October 17, 2014, 18:35 (3515 days ago) @ dhw

> dhw: So the IM was free to invent all these organs for dogs, but it was preprogrammed to produce ours. .... Two questions, then: do you think the IM freely(i.e. not preprogrammed) invented the doggy nose, eyes, ears, kidneys, legs, brain, or were they preprogrammed in the first cells? Do you think the IM freely (i.e. not preprogrammed) invented the human nose, eyes, ears, kidneys, legs, brain, or were they preprogrammed in the first cells? -I am trying to propose a slightly different IM than you imagine. It is pre-programmed to eventually produce humans. It is semiautonomous. It has specific pre-programmed guidelines as to how to respond to changes in environment with changes in phenotype, and it has the freedom of choice in following those guidelines, but cannot exceed those guidelines. Thus bushiness. -> 
> dhw: By all odds, no form of life should be here, but there are zillions of forms. Why must the zillions of forms scream that they are or were all here for the sake of humans? Can't they have a life and purpose of their own?-The balance of nature requires all parts we see. In animals, something eats something. Ask the Australians how their balance has been so mixed up by improper animal importations. If the odds against life are so great, how do you explain it, or do you just skip over that point?

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