Does evolution have a purpose? (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Friday, October 24, 2014, 05:50 (3509 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> Tony: Now that being said, no, science and religion are not incompatible, neither are parts of evolution and religion. If taken in its entirety then yes, evolution is anti-religious. The bible actually encourages the use of science, but not with the goal of removing God. -I agree that science an religion are not incompatable. But your comment about evolution needs modification. Evolution is the apparent process by which life descended from single cell to us. Only IF evolution is said to be a purposeless, chance process is it then being used in an anti-religion way. Theistic evolution does not do that at all, and is certainly one of the very possible ways evolution occurred. You are obviously referring to Darwin's version of theory. It ain't the only way.-> > 
> dhw: So do you blame science or the scientists for their subjective conclusions?-Science should not be subjective, but scientists are human and fallible, so their inerpretation of their findings is not a final interpretation. I take their findings and come up with different conclusions. That is why there is a field of the philosophy of science.
> Tony: When they are presented as objective facts, yes, yes I do. That is kind of the rules of science, right. Facts are facts and everything else isn't. You can't present opinions as fact in the scientific sphere. "Evolution is a fact" is an opinion, not a fact. Evolution is a theory, not a fact. The lack of free will is an opinion, not a fact.-Agreed.

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