Religion: pros & cons pt1 (Religion)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Monday, October 27, 2014, 06:29 (3467 days ago) @ dhw

You are looking for laws spelled out in modern legal terminology that cover a specific subset of actions according to what you hold to be correct by today's societal standards. You are looking for loopholes and methods to circumvent the law. -The law truly was, love Jehovah with everything that you are, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jehovah is not just described as a God, but also as a king, a sovereign lord. If your king or ruler tells you to go to war with these people, but not these other people, do you trust his judgement, or do you question every decision he gives out? What if, like the Israelites, you had witnessed many miracles that defy and surpass all human rulership? -His laws are not burdensome, and they applied to everyone. He was not partial, to his friends or his enemies. He held them all and himself to the same exacting standard of justice. I've already proven many of the points from your latest reply unsound in my previous responses, and I am not going to do so again at the moment because I am short on time. However, I will say this: If you try to take any law, mans or God's, outside of the framework of the entire body of the law, you will find some thing that looks wrong. The law is a system, not a bunch of individual independent components. You have been taking them as individuals without looking at the entire framework. -That would be like trying to defend the use of a protein without the context of the cell that it is designed to function in. It will not work.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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