Theoretical origin of life; Koonen's odds against (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, February 22, 2015, 17:22 (3349 days ago) @ David Turell

Dhw: Quote: “A final comment on "irreducible complexity" and "intelligent design". By showing that highly complex systems, actually, can emerge by chance and, moreover, are inevitable, if extremely rare, in the universe, the present model sidesteps the issue of irreducibility and leaves no room whatsoever for any form of intelligent design.”-NB He does not see the multiverse as a necessary requirement, but only an infinite universe. Add eternal [...] and we have the same argument that you and I have been discussing: infinity and eternity make anything possible. -DAVID: He has to state this disclaimer to keep his card as an atheist, materialism scientist. He has not proven at all that these complex systems can develop by chance. He can only theorize they can.-You lauded him as a “highly respected scientist” when cherry-picking his theoretical odds against chance. Why do you say he "has to state this disclaimer"? Might it not be that as a card-carrying atheist he actually believes his arguments as strongly as you believe yours? And you know as well as I do that nobody can prove any of the hypotheses, and everybody including yourself can only theorize.

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