Islam (Religion)

by Carl, Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 16:39 (5685 days ago) @ David Turell

David says of my defense of Islam: "I disagree. Just think of Salman Rushdi, and the fatwah on his head."
A fatwah issued by a nation run by borderline psychotics to keep the citizens worked up against the west. And, Rushdi's error was breaking Muslim solidarity and criticizing Islam in public. I am not aware of any attempt by any Muslim to carry out the fatwah. Certainly there are examples of rhetorical excess in Muslim countries just as there are in Christian countries. For example, W. Bush and his "Axis of Evil". Again, if 1.5 billion Muslims had gone after Rushdi, they would have got him.
I believe the most immediate threat to peace is Pakistan, because they already have the bomb, have missals to deliver it, military leader that are in sympathy with Islamic radicals and an extremely unstable domestic situation.

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