Islam (Religion)

by Carl, Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 13:50 (5684 days ago) @ dhw

Now I am aware Rushdie had an assassination attempt, although it doesn't sound as if Iran sent in its first team. But this is just a distraction, a single instance which proves nothing, like the slaughter of Croatian Muslims by Christian Serbs does not prove all Christians are evil. I vaguely recall from my college philosophy class a logic error to the effect "Socrates is a man. Socrates is wise. Therefore, all men are wise." In this case it would be "Iran is an Islamic nation. Iran is evil. Therefore, all Islamic nations are evil." My desire is to avoid tarring all Muslims with the same brush that is used to paint the Iranian leaders and Osama bin Laden. To put an ethical spin to it, it is unwise. It makes more difficult the inevitable blending of cultures between Islam and the West. As to the Koran verses, I recall a verse from the NT where Jesus admonishes his followers to pluck out their eye if it looks upon a woman with lust, but I don't see that many one-eyed Christian men walking around. The enemy is not the Koran, but the primitive ignorance of some of the backward cultures which makes them interpret it literally. They can be educated, as can the Christians, that texts written by primitive cultures cannot be interpreted literally in a modern world.
It appears this is a topic upon which, to the extent there is disagreement, we will have to agree to disagree.

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