Genome complexity: squid epigenetics (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, February 16, 2015, 19:31 (3381 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: Up to 60% of RNA transcripts edited! This is an IM fully at work, but note, the squid is still the squid, no massive changes to a new body type, just modifications to fit the changing environment. This is the sentience beloved by dhw, and autonomous within limited parameters of transient adaptive change. Full mutational change to a new form? No. Semiautonomous adaptation under full response control within the animals DNA. - course the squid is still the squid, because this is adaptation and not innovation. The whole point of the discussion concerning an inventive mechanism is that NOBODY knows how innovations have come about, and so we are looking for an explanation. Since we do know that there is a mechanism which enables organisms to change themselves, it is not unreasonable to hypothesize that the same mechanism under certain conditions might also be able to invent. If you accept common descent, you have to accept that innovations must have taken place within individual organisms and been passed on to subsequent generations. And so we go back to the alternatives: 1) they did it themselves; 2) God dabbled or preprogrammed every single innovation; 3) all the innovations were beneficial strokes of luck.

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