Genome complexity: DNA repair mechanisms (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, October 26, 2015, 11:43 (3129 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID (referring to his theory that cells have no intelligence of their own but are automatons): Theists will join me, and I remain with the claim that all the ID scientists are on my side.-dhw: I'd be interested to know which ID evolutionists explicitly support your theory that God personally intervened to design every innovation, lifestyle and natural wonder from bacteria to humans, or 3.8 billion years ago supplied the first living cells with a programme for all of them. And I thought you once said that Shapiro was a practising Jew - but maybe my memory is at fault.-DAVID: Shapiro was president of his Temple. -Thank you. So there is one theist who is not joining you.-DAVID: When Id'ers look at evolution they dismiss Darwin completely, most don't buy my approach of theistic evolution, and they don't answer your persistent worry about how God did it. No one knows!-I asked about ID evolutionists, and if they accept common descent, they cannot possibly dismiss Darwin completely. I'm not surprised that they have no answer to the question of how their God did it, and that they don't buy your theories, but I would be surprised if they didn't look for an alternative. They are also quick to reject Darwin's theory (random mutations and natural selection). In any case, why do you call it MY “persistent worry”? It's all part of the great mystery of life, and you must have been “worried” enough to investigate the problem, reject Darwin's solution, and come up with your own hypothesis of preprogramming/dabbling.

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