Genome complexity: modifying RNA controls of genes (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, April 10, 2017, 11:46 (2597 days ago) @ BBella

DAVID: The Octopus intelligence article was fascinating and their antics in labs was featured in the movie "Finding Nemo". But cells which have a brilliant set of instructions in their genomes will fool outsiders into thinking they are innately intelligent.

Clear choice then: a) they ARE innately intelligent (and their intelligence may have been given to them by your God); b) 3.8 billion years ago your God preprogrammed every decision they take; c) your (hidden) God has always made and is currently making every decision for them. Please tell us which of these you think is most likely.

BBELLA: Perhaps Brenner is saying that octopi were the first intelligent "beings" to be formed from organisms and bacteria?

Dhw: Some scientists tell us that bacteria themselves are intelligent beings. This observation underlies my hypothesis that evolution may be driven by the (perhaps God-given) intelligence of cells/cell communities.

BBELLA: I agree, dhw, that bacteria themselves are intelligent beings, but think this scientist believes something has to be big enough to be seen by the naked eye to be an actual being. Would that be considered "being chauvinism"?

It’s what James A. Shapiro, a champion of bacterial intelligence, calls “large organisms chauvinism”. The perfect description.

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