Natures wonder: cuttle fish survival mechanism (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, December 04, 2015, 18:15 (3090 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: That is a big 'if'. How do the survivors, Kevin and Kitty, tell the others about their feat? Tell me about cuttlefish communication.-Dhw: Well, you've got me there. Here is my confession: although it has always been my life's ambition to study cuttlefish, ......However, I know from various articles posted by a dear friend of mine that animals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants and even bacteria have their own means of communication, which scientists have described in great detail. So I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and make a remarkably daring prediction: that one day scientists will find out that cuttlefish can also communicate.-DAVID: Now, now, I'm sure that cuttlefish have a means of communication. They do become mammas and poppas. Canoodling requires communication, but I don't think they talk about shark avoidance in any meaningful way.-I'm impressed by your knowledge of cuttlespeak. But let me take a leaf out of your book. If canoodling is important enough to require meaningful communication, I reckon survival might get a look-in as well. After all, you won't find many dead cuttlefish canoodling. But I'll risk going one step further: I reckon my Kevin and Kitty might even recognize threats to their survival, such as that dirty great shark coming to swallow them up. And I reckon they might not only try to find ways not to get swallowed up, but if they found a way, they might even tell their fellow cuttlefish. After all, if animals, birds, insects, and even little bacteria can do it, I reckon Kevin and Kitty can too. Don't you?

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