Natures wonders: bacteria can spear amoebas (Introduction)

by dhw, Saturday, August 19, 2017, 09:00 (2466 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: Bacteria can defeat amoebas who try to engulf them:

DAVID’s comment: This seems to be a complex molecular machine structure, which may be so complex it can only be developed by design. It seems that these bacteria are brighter than H. habilis who couldn't invent a spear!

dhw: It seems you’re beginning to cotton on. The alternative to bright bacteria, of course, is that your God could not possibly have produced the human brain without first preprogramming bacteria to invent spears with which to stab amoebas.

DAVID: He took his time having fun with each design.

Yep, you really are cottoning on at last. Maybe, if God exists, the whole history of evolution and the whole purpose of life itself is him having fun. You dismiss that idea as anthropomorphizing your God when I suggest that he created a free-for-all for his entertainment, but it’s OK so long as you have him doing all the designing. Having fun with whales and monarchs and weaverbirds’ nests explains the whole higgledy-piggledy bush. None of this stuff about keeping life going till he can produce the human brain (which he could obviously have done without bacterial spears and pre-whales and weaverbirds’ nests). It’s fun all the way. This is a red letter day in the history of the Agnosticweb!:-P

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