Natures wonders: dragonfly wings flight control (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, April 05, 2023, 17:29 (411 days ago) @ David Turell

Amazing design:

"Fabian et all, Cell Press, “Systematic characterization of wing mechanosensors that monitor airflow and wing deformations” April 15, 2022
As Fabian et al summarise:

"Animal wings deform during flight in ways that can enhance lift, facilitate flight
control, and mitigate damage. Monitoring the structural and aerodynamic state
of the wing is challenging because deformations are passive, and the flow fields
are unsteady; it requires distributed mechanosensors that respond to local
airflow and strain on the wing. Without a complete map of the sensor arrays, it
is impossible to model control strategies underpinned by them. Here, we present
the first systematic characterization of mechanosensors on the dragonfly’s wings:
morphology, distribution, and wiring. By combining a cross-species survey of
sensor distribution with quantitative neuroanatomy and a high-fidelity finite
element analysis, we show that the mechanosensors are well placed to perceive
features of the wing dynamics relevant to flight. This work describes the wing
sensory apparatus in its entirety and advances our understanding of the sensori-
motor loop that facilitates exquisite flight control in animals with highly deform-
able wings.

"This, of course, continues to scream, sophisticated, fine tuned, integrated systems engineering driven design.

"The Dragonfly is a sophisticated ornithopter class flying machine capable of hovering, sideways and reverse flight [comparable to helicopters], with capability as a living animal, to reproduce itself.

"Just the pterostigma alone, which enables up to 25% increase in flight speed by reducing wing flutter (a problem seen by the Spitfire’s designers) is already a case in point of fine tuning and islands of function in large configuration spaces dominated by non functional gibberish and with failure modes nearby. Now, we add a sensor array driven control loop, where such loops, notoriously, require Goldilocks Zone just right tuning. Worse, the wing is highly deformable and acts in an unstable flow field. That is, the required servo control is highly sophisticated and adaptive.

"The Dragonfly is a case in point of sophisticated, systems level fine tuned island of function design. A further point for why we need to declare intellectual independence."

Comment: An ID article declares there must be an intelligent designer. See the explanatory illustration.

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