The Paranormal (Where is it now?)

by dhw, Tuesday, December 23, 2008, 11:59 (5609 days ago)

BBella has very kindly written an account of some of her own and some of her family's psychic experiences ("Other Forms of Life", 21 December, 4 posts). - Once again, thank you for these extraordinary stories. I feel very privileged to be allowed these glimpses of your mysterious 'other world'. You write that it would probably take a whole book to recount all that has happened, and I only wish you would write it! David Turell, in his book Science vs Religion, devotes a whole chapter to NDEs and OBEs, which I also found quite riveting. You and your family between you have covered a very wide range, which includes UFOs and ... of particular interest in the light of my discussion with David on faith healing ... the control of pain. Another interesting aspect is that these episodes did not involve near-death or out-of-body experiences. The visions and voices simply came to you or your relatives independently of your own situation. The voice that asked if you wished to continue seeing future deaths is particularly strange. One wonders who were these people, and why did they choose you? - It would indeed be enlightening to read about more of these experiences, but also to have explanations and comments from different angles. Some religious people, as you point out, regard such things as demonic, which I find odd since the messages and visions do not seem to encourage evil thoughts, let alone evil deeds. There will no doubt be scepticism or materialistic theories from atheists, but these too could be helpful. How far can scepticism go, particularly when ... as in some of the instances recounted by you and David ... these experiences actually revealed a truth that could not have been known at the time? - I'm putting this on a new thread, as you suggested, in the hope that others will contribute. - Finally, since I firmly believe in the solid reality of roast turkey and plum pudding, plus the joys of family get-togethers and mysteriously shaped wrapping paper, let me wish everyone of all persuasions a very happy Christmas.

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