The Paranormal (Where is it now?)

by dhw, Thursday, February 26, 2009, 09:10 (5544 days ago) @ John Clinch

In his post of 11 February at 22.11, George explained to me what he meant by energy, distinguishing it from the imaginary energy or "chi" referred to by new ageists. BBella pointed out that chi was not confined to new ageism but went back to ancient China and represented wind or breath, which is not imaginary but measurable. She made no mention of any beliefs of any kind, and made it clear that she was only offering this as a piece of information - There appear to be many different definitions of chi (which Scrabble players may like to note can also be spelt 'qi'), and George has quoted a website that suggests its existence is not provable (unlike wind and breath). This was a perfectly reasonable exchange of definitions. - John Clinch in his response of 25 February at 12.56, which is both rude and presumptuous, twice says "you seem to be saying" and calls BBella's post "fairly incoherent". He then creates easy targets for himself to ridicule. I found BBella's post perfectly coherent, and would suggest, John, that you found it incoherent because its meaning did not conform to what you wanted it to mean.

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