The Paranormal (Where is it now?)

by BBella @, Saturday, January 17, 2009, 18:42 (5584 days ago) @ dhw

..a dictionary definition of "paranormal", (is):"unable to be explained or understood in terms of scientific knowledge". - I was speaking to my good friend yesterday of the discussion we are having here about the paranormal and this friend reminded me of the "paranormal" situation of how we came to be friends over 3 years ago. I don't know if it would be under the heading of the paranormal, but thought I would recount the story anyway. - We met in a discussion group about dreams almost 4 years ago. This group had a monthly chat so people in the group could meet and discuss their various dreams. I happened to join one night for the first time, and this person, who is now my friend, began to describe a memorable and vivid dream they had long ago. Oddly, the dream sounded so much like a vivid and memorable dream I had long time ago, I began to insert information about the place and time this dream was about, we were literally finishing each others sentences, to the awe and surprise of ourselves and the other 20-30 people in the chat. We both thot it very odd we would have an almost identical dream about a place neither of us had actually been before. In the dream, we were both different people than who we are. This connection may have sparked this person to say, at the end of the chat, that they felt sure we would meet one day...but I had heard that so many times before by many people all over the world, since being online, and so had never met anyone to that day, and so said so in a possibly too abrupt way (hoping to detour any thought of such as I felt, even tho we may have had a similar dream, I didn't know this person from Adam, and you never know, is how I felt). - This person began to email me every now and then, and at some point, told me their son had woke up one day and said they would be moving soon to a blue house surrounded by a lot of friends and that his best friend is waiting for him to get there and that they needed to hurry up and move there! He described the place very vividly and even said it was surrounded by a lot of trees. At that time, they had no intention in moving, as everything in their life at that point was going smoothly. This person had never even mentioned anything about me or that they had felt we were going to meet one day to their son. The son was only 4 yrs old at the time. - About 6 months later, this person lost their job, and just so happened, a job opened up in our area that this person could take if they so chose to do. Because they had no ties to the area they were in, and because this person could find no other job in that area, altho they looked very hard, they decided to go ahead and take the only job opened to them at the time, and move out this way, which is clear across the country on the opposite coast. They were moving from an almost barren treeless area, to a very lush and green area. So, at first, they moved into a rental, but a while afterward, a house came up for sale in my neighborhood. They bought the house and moved here and have been here now for 3 yrs and our families are all very good friends. It wasn't until months later that it hit both of us that the house they bought is a blue house, just as their son said, and is surrounded by many neighboring children in which one, my nephew, has become his best friend. - There are many coincidences we have with one another which we uncover on a continuous basis. Just one to mention; I have a rather large family (not immediate) I am surrounded by and this person has a very small scattered family across the country. But, almost all of this persons family have the same names as many of my larger family I am surrounded by, so these people are now surrounded by very familiar names as their own family. Of course, this can all be chalked up to coincidence...but maybe there is more to coincidence than just chance. - I tend to believe, like is drawn to like, even tho the old saying says opposites attract, I believe it is just the opposite. Everything carries a vibration within it, and I believe it is the similarities of the vibration that causes the attraction within all that IS. I am open to be proven wrong but my life that surrounds me tells me the 'law' of attraction is very real.

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