Ourcellves? (Identity)

by George Jelliss ⌂ @, Crewe, Sunday, April 06, 2014, 18:15 (3679 days ago) @ dhw

The materialist view of the self is that it is composed of cells, and when the cells die, the self dies with it. -Cells die all the time and may get replaced. What makes one's self is the way the cells are connected together and communicate with each other, particularly of course brain cells.-> This view is one argument against free will, because it is the cells (which are not of our making) that take the decisions.-This doesn't follow at all. The connections between the cells are indeed of our making. When we think, or undergo any experiences, we rewire the connections between our brain cells.-> The unique combination of cells that is "me" is still me, regardless of where those cells came from. The consciousness engendered by my cells is "my" consciousness, and the conscious decisions taken by my cells are "my" decisions, taken as a result of "my" cells weighing up the pros and cons.-I would largely agree with that. I am what I am!


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