Ourcellves? (Identity)

by romansh ⌂ @, Sunday, April 06, 2014, 21:38 (3679 days ago) @ dhw

I think there is a problem with either the way the question has been phrased or the way I have answered it.-From a materialist point of view I don't think there is any doubt that a physical self exists. And that all the bits and pieces exist. And that all the bits and pieces interact internally and in respond to external stimuli and inputs. -So while I might disagree with George's wording when he says:
>The connections between the cells are indeed of our making. When we think, or undergo any experiences, we rewire the connections between our brain cells.
It is the word we I have a problem with. I might be able to understand intellectually by "reviewing a thought" repetetively I can "manipulate" my underlying brain structure ... but what "manipulated" my brain structure to want to "manipulate" my brain structure ... I don't have a clue. When I use the word manipulate I don't want imply intent of any sort. Just to make sure there is no ambiguity.-A materialist would have no problem with us having a sense of intent much in the same way she would not have a problem with people having a sense of the colour blue. But the materialist would not assume that blue is actually blue.

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