Ourcellves? (Identity)

by romansh ⌂ @, Thursday, April 10, 2014, 03:42 (3676 days ago) @ dhw
edited by unknown, Thursday, April 10, 2014, 03:55

DHW: Your remark about not having enough information puts into a nutshell my own feelings about virtually every subject we discuss on this forum ...-We can't be certain. And yet I don't worry about waking up in the morning. For some strange reason I am fairly confident about that.-I know the sun does not rise in the east, But the Earth's surface rotates towards the sun in the morning. I also know this Euclidean interpretation of the evidence is likely incomplete.-I can't be certain I about free will. I might in the morning forget this and go about my day in belief of free will. And yet something may jar me out of my stupour and say ... free will is nonsensical concept ... it is an incoherent concept. -My point is we take our best evidence and we think we plot our course and try to navigate it. I am just very skeptical about this.

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