Negative atheism? (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Thursday, January 01, 2015, 15:51 (3404 days ago) @ dhw

> DAVID: Your answer will be that life started rather quickly after the Earth formed and cooled, surprisingly within a universe that also seems to have appeared out of nothing.
> dhw: In this hypothesis, which I see as no more unlikely than your own, the universe did not appear out of nothing but out of the constant interplay between mindless eternal energy and matter (first cause).-Nice interplay of words, but comes across to me an a fuzzy non-answer concept. Just how does the energy/matter ring-around work to advanced to what we have now?
> DAVID: And then those microbes, for some unknown reason decided to overcome being unicellular and suddenly developed complex multicellularity from simple precursors about 540 million years ago.
> dhw: Evolutionists believe that's what happened. In my hypothesis, microbes (which many scientists say have their own form of intelligence) took that decision,.. In my hypothesis, that vast mind may exist, but it may have given those microbes the intelligence to do their own experimenting.-At least here, at this level of more advanced development than energy/matter rig-around, you have a concept which offers a possibility of a valid explanation of how advances in complexity occur.
> dhw: The source of intelligence, whether divine or microbial, remains unknown and unknowable. No hypothesis can offer us a satisfactory answer. Once we have intelligence, whether divine or evolved, we have guided development - guided either by your God, or by the inventive intelligence of the different life forms.-Perfectly true, except for me an initial eternal intelligence is a satisfactory answer, since it obviously takes intelligence to create complexity, which is what our reality contains.-> DAVID: Nothing wrong with neutrality. But Agnostics lack the willingness to reason to the best solution to the question.
> dhw: By which you mean agnostics lack the willingness to accept what you consider to be the best solution to the question. I am willing to consider every possible solution, but so far I have not come across one that I can label “the best”.-Fair enough. But you have never explained how initial intelligence evolved, just that energy/matter must have done it.

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