The immensity of the universe;addentum (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by David Turell @, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 20:25 (3024 days ago) @ David Turell

I might add we have no real understanding of the quantum mechanism basis of the universe. We have a much deeper understanding of the biology of life, although there are many quantum processes in life of which we are aware, photosynthesis as a prime example. This is why my presentation to you of design is much better at the biology level. The true complexity of the universe is at the quantum level. I attribute nothing of consequence to its vastness, although it is possible that to achieve the level of concentration of life-giving elements may require an enormous number of exploding stars to provide that level. That the stars can achieve carbon by internal pressure at the proper level of resonance is part of the fine-tuning. Fred Hoyle commented that it appeared someone "monkeyed with the inner works" to paraphrase him, and with his discovery he left atheism, but I don't believe he ever joined theism. We have a carbon-based life, and it seems ideal for the job it does in the way protein molecules can be created with such variable function based on shape and folding. As even Dawkins said, study of biology makes teleology and design look real. Why can't it be real?

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