The immensity of the universe;addendum (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by dhw, Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 12:56 (3018 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: Reason and science have certainly taken you part of the way, which is why I have such admiration for your research into the complexities of life and for the two books in which you argue so persuasively for design. But I see no trace of reason or science in your vision of an eternally conscious, sourceless mind that creates, encompasses and controls billions of solar systems, and preprogrammes or supervises the weaverbird's construction of its nest, all for the purpose of producing humans. -DAVID: We are back to first cause. There has to be a chain of events that avoids chance. Only design is left. Therefore there MUST be a planning mind.-First cause, yes. But there does NOT have to be a chain of events that avoids chance. Your atheist will tell you that there has to be a chain of events that avoids the invention of a sourceless, invisible, supernatural, unknowable supermind that creates and controls billions and billions of solar systems and also shows the weaverbird how to build its nest. First cause, then, he will argue, MUST be the billions and billions of mindless material bodies and processes that eventually chance to produce life on Earth. No, I don't believe it either. But it is no more fantastic than the God theory.

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