The immensity of the universe;addendum (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by dhw, Tuesday, February 02, 2016, 18:16 (3018 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: Unfortunately, our shared wonderment and our love of life do not answer any of the awkward questions which you would clearly prefer not to be asked! (I don't blame you, since we both know the questions are unanswerable and you can only fall back on irrational faith.)-DAVID: I think my faith is very rational in the way I arrived at it, through studying science.-Reason and science have certainly taken you part of the way, which is why I have such admiration for your research into the complexities of life and for the two books in which you argue so persuasively for design. But I see no trace of reason or science in your vision of an eternally conscious, sourceless mind that creates, encompasses and controls billions of solar systems, and preprogrammes or supervises the weaverbird's construction of its nest, all for the purpose of producing humans. This I see as the equivalent of the atheist trying to explain how a bunch of chemicals can by sheer chance blunder into a combination which can reproduce itself, adapt itself, and potentially transmute itself from a bacterium to a brontosaurus to a Beethoven.

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