Clever Corvids: BBella's approach (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 20:23 (2960 days ago) @ BBella

dhw:Intelligence is everywhere, and it provides a link between All That Is, but there has to be room in this concept for individuality. Individual intelligences have individual characteristics, memories, experiences (I'm not just talking about humans), and in that sense although all things are part of the great oneness, all things are also separate from it.
> BBella: Completely agree.-If intelligence is everywhere as dhw states, it is not unreasonable to assume it is part of one united intelligence/consciousness, but each individual using their intelligence still is separated as shown by free will. Oneness yet disparate parts.
> > DAVID (in answer to BBella): I still think you and I are very close together in our thinking. You are 'almost' describing my universal consciousness. At issue is the concept that IT is all knowing or learning, the latter an idea that dhw has brought up also.
> > 
> > dhw: The concept of intelligence being present in all things and linking all things allows for a single mind but, as I understand it, also allows for an infinite number of different minds without - and this is the crucial distinction - any central “authority”. But I hope BBella will clarify this for us.-The central authority is required to account for the Big Bang and the jumps in evolution (saltation).
> BBella: I personally find it very difficult to believe there is ONE central intelligence (headquarters?) of authority. If there ever was ONE, for me, it would be no different than saying that at one time there was just one color and out of that one came man.-Light contains all colors, split out with prism.

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