(Balance!) Consciousness, identity, OBEs... (Identity)

by David Turell @, Saturday, March 05, 2011, 22:40 (4807 days ago) @ BBella

my dog is very bright as a dog, he is conscoius and aware of things he wants to do and things he must do, but he is not aware that he is aware.
> Is it a leap to say, because I am aware that I am aware, there must be a dual aspect to human consciousness that, as far as we know, isn't found in other beings? -
bBella: Above I am using what I think is the best brief example of consciousness. My dog can never have this disccusion with me (I know he doesn't talk.) My favorite example for animals: the chimps are all sitting on a bench in their habitat at the zoo. The sun is setting and there are glorious shades of red on extraordinary cloud formations. We would comment to each other how marvelous the sunset was. The chimps would say, time for supper.

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