(Balance!) Consciousness, identity, OBEs... (Identity)

by romansh ⌂ @, Tuesday, March 08, 2011, 05:33 (4804 days ago) @ David Turell

That is very interesting research, but from my medical perspective, they will not learn a whole lot about the human brain and its problems. They will need to get to much bigger brains, where more than just some neurons are used as memristors. As for feedback loops, of course the human brain has them. -I tend to agree, but I suspect they will learn 'stuff' that will turn out to be unexpected. Learning about the brain is no doubt just for benefit of the grant applications.-> Matt and I were suggesting that what you are describing in your laptop are reflex reactions based on very simple circuitry. -I think I have a good sense of what you and Matt are suggesting from the free will thread a way back. But my queston is: are any of our conscious thoughts not a result of an incredibly complex cascade of 'reflex' chemical reactions, difusion of ions, discharges of electrons etc?->>So are you suggesting that for consciousness there is a critical complexity below which consciousness cannot exist. -You did not answer my question David.

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