Consciousness, identity, OBEs... (Identity)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Friday, July 15, 2011, 15:36 (4675 days ago) @ dhw

either 1) that the brain has unknown physical means of transmitting and receiving electrical impulses beyond its own confines, or 2) that consciousness does NOT depend on the physical brain. Clearly this has a huge bearing on the concepts of "soul" and "afterlife", and is not exactly irrelevant to the concept of "God" (a universal consciousness). -
One could also ask why you seem to imply that 1 & 2 are mutually exclusive? To me it seems that there are some fundamental assumptions being made about the nature of the 'soul', 'afterlife', and consciousness. I would posit the following:-The brain DOES have an unknown, or perhaps known but not understood, method of transmitting and receiving external information, and that consciousness, in the terms of a conscious awareness of the material world as we know it, does in fact rely on the brain to interpret data into the reality that we experience. However, material experience and consciousness as we understand it do not exclusively hold the sole keys of existence, but rather only on the range and form of sensory perception unique to 'living' organisms.-Just a thought that has been tumbling around my gray matter since reading these articles.

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