Afterlife: OBE found (Endings)

by dhw, Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 12:03 (4090 days ago) @ BBella

BBella has given us more details about her OBE and the effect it has had on her thinking.-Once again, thank you very much for all these experiences and insights. As I mentioned earlier, what is so impressive (though also terrible) is the fact that you actually wanted to die, and so this healing experience was not in any way brought on by the mind wilfully influencing the body (as it may do in, say, faith healing). It's as if you linked up involuntarily with powerful forces within and outside yourself.-BBELLA: After this event, I did find a doctor who put me on the new biologic meds at that time and am still on them off and on, altho the pain part of my illness has went into remission - even when I am off the meds for long lengths of time it has not come back. My doctor claims that is highly unusual. I allow myself a holistic view of healing: mental, physical and spiritual. The spiritual being the chakra system/etc - which I first learned thru a dream (in which I experienced kundulini) and then found out more about it as I opened my mind to accept guidance thru what I had mentioned earlier in our discussions quite a while back - sychronicity and the guidance of the universal intelligence.
I had to look up chakra and kundalini, but I suspect all these systems of meditation look to establish connections with the deepest layers of the self and/or with the unifying energies of the universe. It's a moot point whether this entails a lessening or a heightening of consciousness.
BBELLA: I'm sure this is much more than what you were asking I will stop here.-Thank you again for sharing all this with us, BBella, and feel free to carry on ... you need never stop on my account!

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