Different in degree or kind (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, December 21, 2013, 20:07 (3786 days ago) @ xeno6696

dhw: I am all in favour of the view that evolution is a history of experimentation. That is why, in my opinion, your hypothesis that all innovations were preprogrammed in the very first cells (apart from when God dabbled) makes your reasoning fall out of place. Experimentation and what you call "a confusing bush of organisms" do not fit in with the precise planning advocated by your anthropocentric view of evolution, or with your insistence that cells and cell communities are mere automatons obeying your God's pre-given instructions. You can't have it both ways.
> Matt: Here here! That's a more concise version of what I originally tried to say.-My answer in a different entry today:-> David: What I have said is that God made life very inventive which is why we see the bush and convergence (C-M definition). Life has some programs, apparently, to allow it inventive variations. He did not program every variation in evolution.
 -dhw: Experimentation and what you call "a confusing bush of organisms" do not fit in with the precise planning advocated by your anthropocentric view of evolution, or with your insistence that cells and cell communities are mere automatons obeying your God's pre-given instructions. You can't have it both ways.
> David: Not both ways if you follow my reasoning.I have never said that it was precise planning. We have a bush of life and a bush of hominins. But the bush of hominins, which appears for no good reason in challenges of nature provides me evidence for a final thrust to humans, planned from the beginning. I have no idea why God chose such a strange way of getting there, except the 'balance of nature' concept where if you disturb it, bad things happen, i.e., rabbits in Australia.

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