ID commentary on animal minds (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 01:07 (3034 days ago) @ dhw

> dhw: “Probability is the only concept you need to define information.” Meaning? Where do the laws/information come from? You can only be speculative. If you talk of God, you get back to infinite regression and ask what are the origins of God. We'll never get there.-You do if you accept first cause. -> dhw: And yet at one stage he says it's all very simple. We don't know where the information comes from, emotions etc. are too complicated to explain, we don't know if the genome or social factors explain humans, but it's all very simple. Just call everything information, and you have a theory. Call it energy and you have a theory. Call it God and you have a theory.-He is trapped. He doesn't dare say God is the source, but he accepts that information is at the basis of reality. The bible says, first there is the WORD, Hmmmm, same concept.
> dhw: Vedral is of course entitled to his belief that the fundamental stuff of the universe is information, however nebulous that concept may be, and his hope that one day everything will be explained in this way is on a par with every other hope expressed by every other scientist and non-scientist who thinks he has hit on the magic formula. As Hamlet put it: “Words, words, words.”-See bBella's comment on quantum mechanics article from today. I accept that the quantum level of reality, 'all that is', contains the information that creates reality. DNA is coded information, isn't it?

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