Different in degree or kind; language (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, January 03, 2015, 12:46 (3408 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

Tony: The last question starts with an observation. We know for a fact that when deprived of one of your 5 senses, the other sense heighten in order to compensate for the loss of the one, sometimes to a truly astonishing degree. (I'm thinking here of blind people that see with echo-location, for instance.) If, however, we have a built in receiver, what reason do we have for believing it to be solely within the province of the brain. Could this receiver, like our other 5 senses, not act independently of the brain and simply transmit the data to the brain? If so, could it not also be true that the signal for this receiver, like the other 5 senses, becomes so much clearer absent the noise from the other senses that it too appears heightened to an astonishing degree?-Just so there is some documentation to back up this assertion:-http://phys.org/news175504269.html->"One of the researchers, psychologist Oliver Mason, said the results of the experiment support the idea that hallucinations are produced through what the scientists call faulty source monitoring: the brain misidentifies the source of its own thoughts as arising from outside the body. Mason was not surprised by the rather dramatic results after such a short time, saying the psychosis-inducing effect of sensory deprivation is analogous to the effect of drugs such as cannabis and ketamine, especially in those prone to psychoses. The findings may be important because they suggest that mental illness and normality occur on a continuum."-There theory completely ignores the possibility that the brain acts as a receiver and that the thoughts very well could be originating from outside the body.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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